Nexus between Organizational Justice and Innovative Work Behavior: The mediating role of Knowledge Sharing
Organizational Justice, Knowledge Sharing, Innovative Work Behavior, Academicians, Public Sector Universities (HEIs)Abstract
This research paper has assessed the nexus between organizational justice and innovative work behavior. Also mediating role of knowledge sharing was assessed. Three facets model of OJ has been extensively researched in the last couple of decades. However, spatial and temporal justice has been incorporated in the current paper. Thus, SJ, TJ, Interactional, Procedural and Distributive justice were conceptualized as facets of OJ and their impact on IWB was assessed. Academicians were inquired whether or not perceptions relating to fairness affect their IWB’s level at workplace. Furthermore, mediating effect of KS between OJ and IWB was also assessed. A strong positive association was found among the research variables. Predictor significantly affect criterion variable and composite as well as component level assessment of OJ revealed KS as partial mediator between IV and DV.