Conflict Interest

It Is Defined As Any Academic Activity That May Divide Faithfulness Among Individuals, Institutions Or Scholars/Researchers.
It Can Be Divided Into Two Parts One Is Financial Benefits And Conflict Of Commitment. Authors While Submitting Their Papers/Research Articles, Chapters, Editorials, Book
Reviews And Letters Must Be Accompanied By Conflict Of Interest Statements That They Don’t Have Any Conflict Of Interest.
All Authors May Personally Disclose Conflicts Of Interest To the Journal’s Editors At the Time Of Submitting The Articles. These Conflicts May Be Financial And Non-Financial.
Editors And Reviewers Reject Or Decline The Paper If They Are Co-Author With Submitting Authors.
Editorial Team Cannot Use Data And Information Of Submitted Articles. Reviewers Should Declare Conflict Of Interest Confidentially In Review Form To The Editors.
Reviewers Can Also Bring Into Notice Of Editors If They Are Unable To Review Papers.
Editors And Peer Reviewers May Highlight Political, Religious, Personal, Or Financial Interest That May Affect Their Capability To Peer Review Scholarly Work Objectively.