Scope of the Journal

Administrative and Management Sciences Journal (AMSJ) (ISSN Print: 2959-2267; ISSN Online: 2959-2275) is a scholarly, open-access journal that provides an advanced forum for studies related to Business Administration, Management Sciences, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Project Management, and Supply Chain Management. As a peer-reviewed and Bi-annual journal, AMSJ publishes reviews, original research papers, communications, and short notes, with no restriction on the maximum length of the papers. AMSJ encourages articles based on empirical work founded on a strong literature base. AMSJ is flexible in methodological preference: papers on the field from quantitative data-based studies to qualitative case studies are equally welcome.
Administrative and Management Sciences Journal (AMSJ) focuses on how the outcome of research may be translated into practice. It addresses a broad range of topics that are relevant to organizations and reflective of community developments. The journal supports interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of leadership and organization development, career development, training & development and encourages original thinking which will contribute to knowledge and understanding in these areas.

Organizational Psychology/Organization Theory/Organization Behaviour, Leadership & Followership, Human Resource Management/Human Resource Development, Organizational Development/Career Development/Training & Development/ HR Practices, Green Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Change Management, Sustainability.

Marketing Management, Marketing & Promotion, Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty, Brand Recognition, Brand Equity, and Consumer Awareness.
Finance and Economics: Accounting and Finance, International Finance, Financial Management, Corporate Finance, Networking Capital, Sustainable Finance, Financial Economics, International Economics,
Supply Chain Management:

Green Supply Chain Management Practices, Investment Recovery, Logistics.
Project Management: Project Management, Public Private Partnership,

Entrepreneurship, Digital Entrepreneurship,