Organizational Justice Perceptions and the attributes development of Psychological Capital
Psychological capital, Positive Organizational Behavior, organizational justice, Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice, Interactional JusticeAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find potential effect of organizational justice (OJ)
perceptions on the development of psychological capital (PsyCap) attributes,
among school teachers. A stratified sample of 400 teachers (male and female) of
primary, secondary, and higher secondary schools was extracted from the district
of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. To measure OJ perception and PsyCap, a
structured questionnaire was adapted using two scales (OJ-18, and CPC-12),
respectively. Results implied that teachers' perceptions of OJ and positive
organizational behavior have significant positive relationship with PsyCap. More
specifically, all the three sub-constructs of OJ i.e. Procedural Justice (PJ),
Distributive Justice (DJ and Interactional Justice (IJ) have significant positive
effect over PsyCap attributes among schoolteachers. It is concluded that
developing justice perceptions; can aid in identification, measurement and
subsequently development of PsyCap attributes among schoolteachers